I have nothing awe-inspiring to write today. I do, however, have a summary of some not necessarily but perhaps interesting things going on right now.

1. Flame is a hip hop/rap artist for Jesus with some suuuriously tight lyrics. He dropped his sixth album on Tuesday, appropriately entitled "The 6th." He ended up having the #1 album in the hip hop category on itunes (and apparently also the only one without an explicit warning?!), and #8 overall. Kickin it for Jesus. I'm pumped to have a whole new album to dance to. More on the insanely fabulous world of Christian hip hop at a later date.
2. The bird feeder continues to be further mangled by the possessed neighbourhood squirrel. I will get you one day, evil squirrel.

3. We built a snowman in front of our neighbour's front door for no particular reason. We're just annoying like that.
4. It was really windy last night. The BBQ was not in this position when we went to bed. Thank you Mr. Chain.

5. I have a part-time job as a receptionist. This is my office chair. Slightly dangerous? Perhaps. I have had 4 near-disasters thus far. On the plus side, it's fun to bounce on to the music in the waiting room.
6. My crocuses are blooming! Spring? Yes please!

7. When I went to the bank yesterday the super perky teller couldn't get over my outfit and said "I'd pin that." I wasn't sure whether to be flattered or concerned. I was quite thrown off since my fashion sensibilities extend to whatever's on the sale rack. For example, I think that everything in this collection is super ugly, so I don't know why everyone is freaking out about it and why there are newspaper articles written on it and why people are lining up to buy said ugly clothes. I'm sorry fashion people. I don't understand you, but I'm sure you're all very nice.
Thanks everyone. Keep it real. Listen to some Flame, and have a great Thursday!
I love it that Flame was #1! That's awesome. I also think it's adorable that someone said they's "pin" you. Haha, the digital age is funny, sometimes. :) That is a really cute coat!!