Valentine's Day is looming, and in the spirit of all things romantic, I've decided to share my favourite book which happens to be slightly romantic. Now I am not generally a romance fiction kind of girl, but when it's well-crafted and funny and lovely... I can't refuse.

The Blue Castle was published in 1926 and authored by L.M. Montgomery, probably most famous for her Anne of Green Gables series. This is one of her very few adult fiction stories, and perhaps the least-known of all her works. It. is. Amazing. And I can't quite put my finger on why I feel that way. It's nothing particularly crazy, the heroine is plain and ugly and sassy and the ending is perhaps predictable, but when I read it for the first time at the tender age of 12, I gave my heart to Barney Snaith and it belonged to no one else until Wayne came along. I can't even guess as to how many times I've read it. My copy is dog-eared and smushed and dirty and crinkled from getting dropped in bathtubs and pools and dishwater. Anyway. I do recommend it quite strongly. Your heart will be warmed and your stomach filled with happy romance gush.
Well that actually sounds pretty unappealing so avoid the stomach gush, but have fun anticipating Valentine's Day, and if you hate the holiday and have no one to spend it with and are miserable and bitter, read this book. Barney Snaith is a fantastic date.
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