April 12, 2012

the best way to end a holiday

We spent a week back in Canada with our families over Easter and had a really lovely time. We ate up the hours playing board games and cooing at babies and pruning fruit trees and chatting over Tim Hortons coffee and going for 7 AM walks on Easter morning with the sun bursting over the horizon of the newly turned over fields... well, the 7AM walk was just me and my little dog friend. Because I had to get outside. Because I'm horrifically allergic to something in Ontario and the cold morning air felt good on my itchy eyeballs. Urgh.

As lovely as it is to be "home", it's always nice to come home home after a holiday. Especially when you get to come home to a basement office whose carpet is completely soaked from the Mysterious Leaking Pipes.

The Mysterious Leaking Pipes have been a source of frustration to us for many months now. Whenever we leave for longer than a couple days, the Mysterious Leaking Pipes apparently miss us and cry and cry and cry and soak the basement office carpet with their tears. The plumber cannot figure it out. He and our Maintenance Man made a big mess this week trying to figure it out. And then they decided to cut a big hole in our wall. But they didn't figure it out.

But I'm okay with this. I'm just glad to have indoor plumbing, even if it's over-emotional. Small things, my friends, small things.


  1. Ohhhh goodness, that baby is SO cute!

    1. Gahhh I know! I'm so glad you think so too! She's my cutie pie niece.
